AyurYoga is a powerful fusion of Yoga and Ayurveda based on the integration of techniques aimed at restoring balance in our body, mind and soul.
AyurYoga is a powerful fusion of Yoga and Ayurveda based on the integration of techniques aimed at restoring balance in our body, mind and soul.
Yoga and Ayurveda are the twin precious gifts from India to the world. Just as Yoga channelizes the potential of the mind and body, Ayurveda helps achieve and maintain health. They are but one unified concept, inseparable and holistic. The fundamental goal of Yoga is to unleash the power of the mind, including for wellness and health, towards the ultimate enlightenment. Similarly, Ayurveda aspires attainment of the totality of health and harmony in all stages of life. Yoga illuminates approaches to life through physical, social, mental, behavioural, cultural, and spiritual dimensions. Ayurveda, which literally means “knowledge of life”, encompasses the same objectives and provides infinite ways to maintain health and prevent illness with a lifestyle balance.
Ayurvedic concepts such as nutrition and other lifestyle modifications and the many therapeutic treatments, combined with Yoga, provide a valid framework for personalised interventions aimed at restoring health.
Combined with Yoga, Ayurveda expands its universal appeal and overall effectiveness. The resulting powerful synergy of AyurYoga practices, unleashes the many therapeutic benefits aimed at maintaining health by reinforcing the immune defensive system by boosting digestion and helping eliminate toxins from the body & mind, preventing from disease, so to fully enjoy “the gift of life”.
AyurYoga workshops & retreats in Holland, Italy, India, in enchanting, secluded, breathtaking Nature landscapes offer regeneration, rejuvenation and “rebirth”. These are special times to take care of every aspect of ourselves: Mind, Body and Soul. You discover, learn & develop your personal tools to recenter yourself. Vegetarian Ayurvedic delicious meals accompany these special “transformation” experiences. Check below for the following events…