Ayurveda is a holistic science and lays emphasis on preserving and promoting the fitness of healthy individuals besides giving methods for treatment of diseases. Health is defined in Ayurveda as “soundness of body, organs and mind”.
Ayurveda is a holistic science and lays emphasis on preserving and promoting the fitness of healthy individuals besides giving methods for treatment of diseases. Health is defined in Ayurveda as “soundness of body, organs and mind”.
Ayurveda is the science of life and it has a very basic, simple kind of approach, which is that we are part of the universe and the universe is intelligent and the human body is part of the cosmic body, and the human mind is part of the cosmic mind, and the atom and the universe are exactly the same thing, but with different form, and the more we are in touch with this deeper reality, from where everything comes, the more we will be able to heal ourselves and at the same time heal our planet.
Marma therapy is the original point system of healing in the body. There are 107 marma points in the entire human body, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, and three “mahamarmas” that are located in the head, heart and pelvis area. Mahamarmas are the main energy centers processing thoughts, feelings and deeper emotions.
Marma vital points are similar to acupuncture or acupressure points and they are access points for subtle energy channels (prana) to body, mind and consciousness. They are used for releasing stagnant energy and stimulate internal organs, hormones, fluids & gaseous circulation in the body.
Physically these points represent junctions where lymphatic system, blood circulation and joints meet in the body. During the massage great focus is given to the stimulation of Marmas for the purposes of releasing energy blockings and supporting the body’s own healing capabilities.
The knowledge of Marma allows the practitioner to influence the flow of prana through both the gross and subtle bodies for the purposes of restoring health and peace of mind. Throughout life the body is exposed to physical and emotional stress that accumulates in the Marma points and it is vital to have a healthy flow of body fluids and keep the body free from toxins.
Among the many benefits of a Marmabhyanga treatments we find:
- Deep pain relief both locally and distally.
- Migraine, headache relief.
- Clearing of toxins on all levels (body/mind).
- Improved digestion and absorption.
- Improved function of the organs.
- Healthier skin.
- Balances body temperature and can balance the “doshas” or vitiations of the elements that make up one’s own personal constitution.
- Increased immunity.
- Releases neuro-chemicals such as serotonin, melatonin for improved cognitive function and deeper sleep.
- It can bring about a change of perception. Marma can actually alter consciousness, and change one’s awareness. From that place a person can move forward with self care, creativity, and renewed energy.
The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to stress, accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.
Abhyanga massage is excellent for overall health and wellbeing, helps to reduce anxiety and calm the nerves, improves and deepens sleep, helps increase circulation, improves mental alertness, nourishes the skin and tissues, and allows toxins to be released from the body. A healthy oil used in the massage lubricates the joints, tones skin, and makes it really soft and nourished. Abhyaṅga is the anointing of the body with oil. Often medicated and usually warm, the oil is massaged into the entire body before bathing. It can be beneficial for maintaining health and used as a medicine for certain disorders.
Among the many benefits an Abhyanga massage
- Produces softness, strength and color to the body
- Decreases the effects of aging
- Bestows good vision
- Nourishes the body
- Increases longevity
- Benefits sleep patterns
- Benefits skin
- Strengthens the body’s tolerance
- Imparts a firmness to the limbs
- Imparts tone and vigor to the dhātus (tissues) of the body
- Stimulates the internal organs of the body, increasing circulation
- Pacifies Vāta and Pitta and Harmonizes Pitta
Prakruti — or your individual’s baseline constitution — is determined at the moment of conception and relates to inherited or permanent physical and emotional characteristics and tendencies. These would include qualities such as height, natural eye and hair color and innate personality traits.
There are as many different constitutions as there are human beings. For the sake of practicality however, Ayurveda has categorized three main constitutional forces. These forces (or doshas) are called “Vata,” “Pitta,” and “Kapha,” very roughly translated as “Air,” “Fire,” and “Earth” respectively. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are used in Ayurveda to refer to the Doshas or personal constitution.
While all three doshas are present in every constitution, they are present in different ratios. For example, there may be a high concentration of Pitta (fire) in my constitution, with Kapha (earth) secondary and only a small amount of Vata (air), but someone else may have more Vata and Pitta and less Kapha and so on. We are all different “recipes” made up by the same “ingredients”.
Knowing your constitution—your Prakruti is like knowing your own “recipe” — it is useful because it increases awareness of your natural strengths and challenges. This can be a positive step towards understanding health. To learn more about your personal Ayurvedic constitution is to engage on a journey towards personal transformation which brings about health & well being improvement and general maintenance.
Ayurveda therapy
All the consultations can be done online.
Ayurveda constitution consultation
€ 60
45 minutes
Ayurvedic Consultation
Ayurveda is a holistic and natural approach to health. It believes that each person is a microcosm of the Universe; and like the Universe made up of five elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether). These five elements are “grouped” in each of us into three doshas: Vata(air/ether), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water/earth). Each one of us is made up of a unique combination of these elements; each has a unique Dosha.
By understanding who we are based on the Doshas, we know best how to maintain and improve our health. When the Doshas are balanced in the body, mind and spirit the body is healthy and the mind is at peace. When the Doshas become imbalanced (either accumulated or weakened) due to inappropriate diet or stress, one can become ill. Bringing balance back to the Doshas can help restore energies and maintain our own health.
Everyone has three doshas but one dosha is more predominant. Aim of the Ayurvedic constitution or Dosha consultation is to identify your constitution or Dosha and provide you with the knowledge of how to keep your Doshas in balance. The 60 minute session consists of an in-depth questionnaire, which helps determine your Prakriti (constitution) and Vkruti (the current state of the Doshas, the current status of your health). Knowing your individual Dosha will enable you to adjust your choices in your exercise, diet and daily routine.
Ayurveda constitution & nutrition consultation
€ 110
90 minutes
Ayurvedic Nutrition
During this in depth nutrition consultation you will be focusing on detailed dietary advice for your Constitution or Dosha type and imbalance. You will learn:
- what foods to avoid that may trigger your chronic health issues or problems
- the foods to eat that are most suited to your constitution (Dosha type) and individual needs
- what to do if you have eaten the wrong type of food, indulged etc
- what you can do to support your digestion and what foods you can absorb most nutrients from
- seasonal eating (fresh, unprocessed foods, fruits and vegetables)
- eating the right foods at the right times of the day
- eating the right combinations of foods in the right quantity
- the best methods of preparing food, for your Dosha type
€ 100
Multiple Sclerosis therapy
People affected by multiple sclerosis (MS), can greatly benefit from Ayurveda and Yoga therapy. Research and experience suggests that yoga supports people living with MS improve their energy level and mood and by reducing fatigue and lack of self confidence in their daily lives.
Our MS therapy program includes:
Iyengar Yoga: There are three types of symptoms that hatha yoga directly addresses in MS condition: fatigue and heat intolerance, numbness in the limbs and loss of coordination, loss of flexibility and balance. The aim is to help people affected by MS learn to master the breath and practice restorative postures. Both techniques cool the body and calm the nervous system which are themes at the very core of our MS Yoga therapy programs.
Massages: Ayurvedic warm oil medicated massages help the elimitation of toxins from the body. They improve spasticity, pain, fatigue, poor circulation, mental wellness.
Dietary advise: As daily elimination is extremely important in the treatment of MS the daily diet should be adjusted to support this process. Increasing the ability to digest and assimilate what is eaten is at the base of this process. An anti-ama diet (toxin reducing diet) is often needed before proceeding with a long term nutritional program for the treatment of MS.
Hashimoto Syndrome therapy
Ayurveda therapy for thyroid disease is a holistic and supportive therapy that aims to correct the Doshic imbalance and hence the flawed function of the thyroid gland. Therapy includes the recommendation of spices and herbal medicines principally for Dosha balance and to some extent specifically to promote thyroid function, dietary guidance, yoga therapy to open and support chest and throat to stimulate and/or pacify thyroid activity depending on hypo-thyroidism or hyper-thyroidism
Iyengar Yoga: A restorative program of supported yogasanas aimed at boosting metabolism, lymphatic circulation and hormonal secretion. A more active practice based on Surya and Chandra Namaskar sequences.
Massages: Warm medicated oil Abhyanga and Marma massages to release stress and improve lymph circulation, aiding in the detoxification process.
Dietary advise: Nutritional recommendations for the thyroid are based on a balancing diet for Pitta (hyperthyroid) or Kapha (hypothyroid).
Pelvic Prolapse therapy
Muscles, ligaments, and other structures hold the content of the lower trunk in the pelvis. If these muscles and structures are weak, the uterus drops into the vaginal canal . This is called prolapse. This condition is more common in women who have had one or more vaginal births. Normal aging and lack of estrogen after menopause can also lead to uterine prolapse including anything that puts pressure on the pelvic muscles, like chronic cough and obesity.
Our therapy program is based on:
Iyengar yoga: Elevated hips poses, supported and reclined and inverted asanas, standing and grounding poses with support of blocks and belts to train the legs muscles to counteract the force of gravity. Awareness of the pelvic diaphragmatic breath.
Massages: Abhyanga warm medicated oils and Marma massages to remove general aching and stiffness and to improve lymphatic circulation in the body.
€ 85
60 minutes
Abhyanga massage
Abhyanga – A purifying energizing and toning treatment, involving massage with warm organic coconut and sesame oil amongst others, combined with herbal oils, to treat specific ailments.
Stress release. It provides increased circulation, especially to nerve endings. It tones the muscles and the whole body physiology. It lubricates the joints and improves elimination of bodily toxins. It calms the nerves and increases mental alertness. It softens the skin and it generally increases stamina in the body. By calming the nervous system, it allows for a better, deeper restorative sleep at night.
The regular use of oil massage prevents accidental injuries, and relieves strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age. Charaka Samhita Vol. 1, V: 88-89.Abhyanga is the anointing of the body with oil. Often medicated and usually warm, the oil is massaged into the entire body before bathing. It can be beneficial for maintaining health and used as a medicine for certain disorders. Abhyanga can be incorporated into a routine appropriate for almost everyone. Abhyanga massage is generally provided by imbalances of Vata condition in the patient constitution.
€ 110
90 minutes
Abhyanga massage
Marmabhyanga – Marma therapy is the original point system of healing in the body. There are 107 marma points in the entire human body, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, and three “mahamarmas” that are located in the head, heart and pelvis area. Mahamarmas are the main energy centers processing thoughts, feelings and deeper emotions.
Deep pain relief both locally and distally. Migraine, headache relief. Clearing of toxins on all levels (body/mind). Improved digestion and absorption. Improved function of the organs. Healthier skin. Balances body temperature and can balance the “doshas” or vitiations of the elements that make up one's own personal constitution. Increased immunity. Releases neuro-chemicals such as serotonin, melatonin for improved cognitive function and deeper sleep. It can bring about a change of perception. Marma can actually alter consciousness, and change one’s awareness. From that place a person can move forward with self care, creativity, and renewed energy.
€ 45
30 minutes
€ 110
30 minutes
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